Fuck Trump And His Stupid Fucking Wall Punch

Fuck Trump And His Stupid Fucking Wall Punch

Recipe by Chris Stewart, Head of Research & Development

Recipe serves 25 people. 


150cl Fuck Trump and His Stupid Fucking Wall 
50cl Freshly Squeezed Lime Juice 
50cl Acacia Honey
2 Bottles of Cava 
25cl Water (if using store bought bag ice, reduce water to 10cl as ice is usually broken in small pieces and dilutes quickly.) 
Dehydrated apple slices* 



Get your favorite punch bowl.
Combine Fuck Trump And His Stupid Fucking Wall, fresh lime juice, acacia honey and water.
Stir ingredients to combine.
Place in the fridge to keep chill.
Before serving, remove from the fridge and add ice to the punch bowl.
Ladle out individual cups of punch for each person.
Top each punch cup with approx 3cl Cava
Garnish with a dehydrated apple slice.
Enjoy with friends.

*Dehydrated Apple Slices: 

These can be bought, but if you wish to make them yourself here's how.

Slice up a red delicious apple.
Place in a dehydrator at 50c for 8 hrs.
If you don’t have a dehydrator you can use a home oven at 90c for 4 hrs.
Place in a sealed container until needed to garnish your punch. 

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